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Civil Partnership Ceremony Booking

Select one of the tiles below to check availability and book your choice of ceremony. To complete your booking, payment is required.

Please note you can only book up to 2 years in advance. If you ceremony date falls within the next 3 months please call 0300 300 8711 to book.

Once booking is complete, please create an account with user name and password to enable you to personalise your ceremony and check your to-do list. See booking confirmation page, after payment, for account set up link.

Woburn Room and Statutory Civil Partnership Formations

Choose between the Woburn Room ceremony on Monday afternoons where you can invite five guests plus a photographer, or a statutory ceremony on Wednesday mornings for the parties forming the civil partnership and two witnesses only.

I want this

An enhanced civil partnership registration with a ceremony at our office in Ampthill

A civil partnership registration with a ceremony that can be enhanced with music, readings and personal vows

I want this

A civil partnership registration at an approved venue

A civil partnership registration with an enhanced ceremony set in one of the many wonderful venues licensed in Central Bedfordshire

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